Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter Session 2011/New Team Name/New Shirt Color

Hello dudes!  Hope everyone has had a nice break from me.  I know that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time apart from you!  As a result of employment changes I am no longer able to spend hours parading  the Internet so I'll get right to business.

Registration deadline for the late winter/early spring session is February 14th.  Let me know if you plan on playing this session and if you have any other players interested in playing. 

Also we'll discuss the possiblity of new shirts/team name once we have a squad. 

Thanks dudes, talk to you later. 


BREW said...

Ya, cool man! Me and Dougas are itching to play again. Think we'll have a good turnout though? If it looks like we're going to show up by the 4's and 5's and 6's again, it'll be another stressful session... Our team can win, but the hardest part was waiting to see if enough guys were coming. I'd vote yes for a name upgrade too!

tjregesjr said...

yeah man I hear you. hopefully we can field a squad of players with good attendance. i'll mark you and dougy down. do you know if phil was planning on playing?

Anonymous said...

I'm planning to play again this session.
I'd vote to keep the same shirts for one more session. We can always cut the sleeves off once it warms up.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...the last comment was from Shoup. I'm in for the Spring session.