Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Next Session Fees and Tees

Good Morning Fellas.  Want to send everyone a quick reminder about next session.

Our first game is on June 4th @ 10:00PM.  League fees will be in the vicinity of $45.00/person. 

We're also trying something new this session since the summer session tends to lead to many absences.  We will be bringing on "part-time" players.  Players who will not be able to make more than 5 games for the session.  These players will only pay half.  If you know of anyone who may fit this role let me know - and no, we're not prorating per game.  If you can make 6 games, then you pay full price.

If any of you current session players who aren't playing next session are interested in only playing half of the games let me know. 

With the new changes at the Dek requiring everyone to have a number we will be purchasing shirts from the Dek.  They will be $12.00/shirt and will include a number and our logo on the front.  Bring me money for this to the first game.  If you will not be there for the first game give it to me sooner.  First come, first served regarding numbers.

Remember to always have a back-up shirt as well.  I'm thinking our red shirts from the past two session should work just fine (thanks Shoup), if you don't have a BMSPHC shirt simply bring another red shirt.

Any questions let me know.  See you dudes in a few weeks.  Continue to scout for additional players.  I'm out.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Logo/Shirt Color

What shirt color will go well with the new logo?

End of Spring 2011/Start of Summer 2011 Sessions

Good afternoon dudes.  For those of you who could not make it to the make-up game yesterday - we lost.  What was a promising start to the season ended with an eighth straight loss.  The schedule really effed us up over the course of the last few months and I'll blame our pitiful record on that.  Here's to a better Summer session!

As you all know by now the Dek is under new management and they are making some changes to what we were used to.  Online registration on a vastly improved website is awesome and that was the first right step toward what we're hoping will be many more.  That being said I've heard some of you complain about the management and I understand your frustration, but we really don't have another option as to where we can play so we're going to have to grin and bear it, not worry about it, and just play. 

That also being said I need to share some information with you dudes that I should have received at the meeting on Wednesday night (I skipped because, well, I'm a rebel like that), but that I received in email format instead.  There are a few simple changes and a few more drastic changes.  See both pages below and my edited highlights. 

So apparently we can now receive a penalty for swearing.  Whatever.  I say we talk as much shit as we want until we actually receive a warning from the refs.  The refs swear just as much as the players for heavens sake. 

This is a bit more interesting.  Apparently we are now REQUIRED to have shirts with numbers on them.  So we'll do what you dudes want.  As you can see from the form we can simply write numbers on our shirts but I would prefer to get shirts made - you can never have enough old hockey shirts. 

They provide a discount if we order shirts through them.  If we order light colored shirts it's $12/person with a logo and a number.  If we order dark shirts it's $14.  If we want to add names as well it's a additional $2.00/shirt.  Let me know how you guys feel or if you know someone that can get them to us cheaper.  Also throw out some ideas for shirt colors.  I probably won't do a vote because I don't think many of our current roster uses the Internet, but you guys tell me.  Our first game is June 4th so that gives us plenty of time to get shirts made. 

Anything else that you dudes want/need/request/suggest let me know.  Take it easy, have a good weekend.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Make-Up Game - Thursday Night @ 6:00PM

Hey dudes.  In the event that you were not at the game on Saturday night, it was called after the first period and it will be made up this Thursday at 6:00PM (thanks Shoup and Benny). 

Will we all be there?  I normally work until 6:00 on Thursdays but I'll try to leave early that day. 

Thanks to everyone that showed up for the game on Saturday.  We'll see you guys on Thursday.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Game Tomorrow/Meeting Next Wednesday

Hey dudes, quick check on who will/will-not be there for the game at 5:00PM tomorrow. 

Please let me know so that we can plan accordingly.  I may not be there, I normally don't even get out of work until 5:00PM, and that's in Pittsburgh. 

Also, there is a coaches meeting next Wednesday at 7:00PM.  Would anyone be interested in going in my stead?  Let me know if you want to.  Thanks dudes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tomorrow's Game/New Session

Fellow puckers.  Reminder that our game tomorrow is at 6:00PM.  Please bring with you your payment for next session.  It will be somewhere in the vacinity of $35-$45 depending on how many people.  Right now it's looking like we will have around 10 guys.  Unfortunately they increased the amount to $425 this session so that would make it about $42.50/person.

I will be there so that we can register for next session but there is a 90% chance that I will not be able to play.  I will have the boys with me so unless they change the roles to allow 1 and 3 year olds to play I will be spectating. 

Any questions let me know dudes.  Thanks.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Game this week/Next Session

Hola Boys.  Game this week is at 6:00pm on Friday.  Should we all be there?  If not let me know.  

Also we need to decide if for sure we're playing next session or not.  A few men have backed down for the summer session, and I only heard back from a few others that they're interested in playing again.  Let me know.  

I've been holding off paying the $425 until I know for sure that we will have enough to field a team.  Trav called me on Saturday and said that Bill wants the money by Tuesday.  Whoops, that was yesterday.  Whatever.  If they can't wait for us to pay then they will lose out on the money.  Did anyone pay them while at the game on Friday?  Fuck.  Being manager sucks balls.  

Anyway.  As soon as possible please let me know if you plan on playing again so that I can contact these money whores and pay them.  

Good night.