Tuesday, July 20, 2010

GAME RECAP: 7/17/2010 VS Quick Stops

What the hell happened dudes?  Only three guys showed up for the game, did we communicate this with each other?  When this happens it really leaves the dudes that did show up in a shitty situation.  Luckily they were able to find some guys to play - but if not they waste a trip to the dek only to have to forfeit.  I would be pissed.

We have two options to prevent this from happening yet again.  We either 1) ask 20 dudes to play next session so that we always have enough guys to play.  This without considering a single complaint for lack of playing time.  Or 2) we be sure to always inform the team if we will or will not be there PRIOR to gameday.  This way we have time to find replacement players.

I understand that things come up, people are busy, and plans change.  Just be courteous to your fellow teammates and let someone know.  Thanks fellas.  See you this weekend.

In case you didn't read it, the following was left by Benny following the game as a comment on the Austria post:

U.C.H.C. had only 3 players show up.

Quick stops arrived in masses with a total of 9!

They were arrogant enough, though, to let us pick up a deck rat, joe, (who had to take himself out of the game after the 1st period and replace himself with yet another deck rat [mark]) and one of the refs (steve claypoole) played for us to make a complete line and keep the U.C.H.C. from a forfeit. Things looked grimm...

I can't make an entire recap, cuz, well, there was too much sweat in my eyes to see the whole thing happen. But, in the end, our own chad cranmer scored his first goal of he session along with 2 from steve and 3 from D.R. Mark. While their first goal was pretty soft, they only managed to sneak 2 more behind the defense and into the net.

That's right...

The U.C.H.C. won it 6-3!

Now if we can only get our own team to show up for one of these wins. Also, I did have to pick up refs fees for today's game. We can square up on that later...

Good show fellas, stats updated. 

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