Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ok dudes. So we are waiting on one more vote to determine the team name. It’s a tight race. We do have a majority vote for the team color though, which will be WHITE (sorry nordo, not white cut-off dress shirts).

As soon as we determine the name of our team we can develop a logo and then get names and numbers and have shirts made.

The session is scheduled to start the first week of march, but according to Rick it’s all going to depend on the snow situation of the dek. I was up there last night and there are two feet of snow (with more tonight) on the dek.

We are playing in B league this session. I figured we could use a challenge, and I’m tired of playing against high-schoolers.

I also wanted to throw this out there to see who might be interested. Rick doesn’t really have any help shoveling the dek. Would you guys want to get a crew together and go up and give him a hand? I didn’t mention it to him but only now thought about it. We could get together on Saturday or Sunday and give him an hour or two. Let me know.


T-Mike said...

Man i cant believe we arnt wearing cut off white dress shirts. you guys crazy

tjregesjr said...

goldie made a good point. if we play b league games may be on sundays. does this work for you dudes or should i call rick back and tell him that we would rather be in c division so that the games are still on saturday nights?

Shoup said...

Sunday games would probably be ok in the spring. I wouldn't want to do it in the fall with the Steeler games being on Sundays. Doesn't matter to me though, whichever works for everyone else.

Brew said...

i'm throwing out there the '84 Pittsburgh Maulers' logo...