The following are awards voted on by the players of The Random Length's Hockey Club. All results are final.
Art Ross Trophy-Most points scored at the end of the session.

The Maurice Richard Trophy-Team's top goal scorer.

Hart Memorial Trophy-Most Valuable Player to his team.

Vezina-Goalkeeper judged to be the best at his position.

James Norris Memorial Trophy-Team's best defensive player.

Lady Byng-Player exhibiting the best sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct.
Frank J. Selke Trophy-Defenseman who best excels in the offensive aspects of the game.

test for tim
did i do it? oh that simple
yea, easy stuff dude.
All of you that voted for me for the Lady Byng can suck my taint. I sportmanshiply hope you all contract gonorrhea from a hippo and your cocks fall off. Gentlemanly conduct that you fucking Hossa-loving shitsticks. I refuse to accept such a pussy infused award. What do I win; a used tampon, a bottle of Midol, and some hair colorer? Fuck that.
hahaha, i knew this was going to end badly. i heard one little kid last game say "he's too nice to play hockey." and also, in the game against Rawberry, the one dude said "when he pushed me into the boards, he also rubbed my back.
you're super gentlemanly nordo.
Haha, I will not mention any names, but there was one person who did not put in a vote for the Lady Byng. I responded with "you have to vote for someone", and then came their reponse. Oh, Nordo for sure, he is always a gentlemen!
So there you have it Nordique, you truley are the most gentlemenly!
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